Wednesday, May 5, 2010

pioneer woman (fail)

5:00 pm - leave for Pioneer Woman's book signing

6:00 pm - circle completely full parking lot like vultures, curse openly at other drivers

6:15 pm - wait to get in line (they have a crazy 'color' ticket system going on)

6:45 - get in line
7:00 - listen to inane conversation of women behind us
7:30 - still in line, have moved ahead maybe 20 steps
7:45 - Ashley goes next door to buy flip flops

7:50 - Ree walks by on her way to a bathroom break; hope that seeing the long line will make her sign faster and not have conversations with every single person

8:00 - still in line, feeling weak from hunger, overhear someone saying the borders cafe is out of food

8:30 - still in line

9:20 - have moved up maybe three steps in the past 45 minutes - decide to bail

What this picture doesn't show is the line of about 150 people snaking through the bookshelves on the right.

9:30 - dinner at Chipotle; throw dagger eyes at smug people coming in with their books signed.


Dana Marie said...

Doesn't that author know who YOU are?? How dare she keep you waiting.

LOU said...

update please!