Friday, May 13, 2016

a week in the life: day 1

Being single and childless is pretty awesome (no really, not being sarcastic).  Here's what I do in a day:

6:00 - Wake up slowly, walk dog, get ready for work, listen to podcast about snake handling (religious and regular)

7:00 - Hot breakfast, read book about body image and the catholic church, feel annoyed at neighbor outside window with puppy saying "go potty" over and over and over and over and over and over

8:00-4:30 - "work"

5:00 - Walk dog, put chicken in crock pot for dinner, change for gym, call plumber to make appointment for estimate on hot water heater, go to management office re messed up gate key fob, debate doing 30 minute fitness blender workout prior to Orange Theory, admit to self have major problems with moderation and all or nothing thinking

7:00 - Meet friend at Orange Theory; mess up on rower intervals, causing friend to mess up, regret "My Boo" played while on treadmill round instead of weight round, as would have shown off running man challenge skills but getting off treadmill too complicated.

8:00 - Head home and remember need banjo strings, make detour to music store, listen to same Civil Wars song approximately 15 times in a row

8:30 - Have "mindful" dinner as part of therapy homework, get caught up in book

10:00 - Still sitting at table reading book and crying (Tell the Wolves I'm Home)

10:30 - Still reading and crying

10:45 - Go to bed, try not to berate self for not getting enough sleep (one thing at a time, self!)