Thursday, April 8, 2010

babies! inspired by - babies!

Which baby is cuter? Impossible to say! Both babies have songs of adoration sung to them by their aunts. Gracie's song variations are more complex because we've had two years to work on them:

"She's a princess puppy pal girl friend, Gracie is my puppy pal, cutest puppy friend in the world, yes, she's a princess puppy pal, I love her, she is my friend, princesspuppypal, princesspuppy paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal" etc.

Aunt Lori put an interesting spin on Lucy's song of adoration (she can correct me if I missed anything):

"Lucy is the cutest girl, baby princess, rainbows, sunshine, UNICORN!"


katy said...

Please tell me that was in reference to Kittens inspired by Kittens!

Andrea said...

you know it!

Dana Marie said...

Love the picture and the songs!

Kent McKenzie said...


Can the Craddock sisters perform this during intermission on June 7?