Monday, March 29, 2010

sweetbread - not exactly bread

Lori took me to dinner at Restaurant Eve in Old Town Alexandria this weekend. It was so delicious and wonderful because I was able to eat meat in good conscience. (I haven't eaten meat since September - aside from one enjoyable incident involving Eggs Benedict). It's not meat-eating in itself I have a problem with, but factory farms, which supply over 90% of the meat found in groceries and restaurants. A system created and driven by consumer demand for cheap meat). Restaurant Eve gets all of its meat from Polyface Farm, a local meat supplier that humanely raises and slaughters its animals.

I had a steak and it was dang good. Lori had the veal sweetbreads which I tried, and they were dang good as well. I almost wished I had ordered them instead. It was not until later that she investigated sweetbreads and discovered what they are. What's surprising is that even knowing this, I would eat them again. I think if you're going to kill something you should not be averse to using all of its parts. And they really were delicious.


Brenna said...

There is a resturant here in ATX (called Olivia) that purchases an entire animal and then uses all of it for their menu. Once the animal is all gone, then a new menu comes out with a new animal. I have not eaten there yet but it gets rave reviews. It was even featured in Bon Appetite.

Andrea said...

What a great concept!