Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Which is worse? Rejection en masse from potential employers or potential internet suitors?

Each has its own special kind of demoralizing sting.

Job searching sucks. I hate that even though I uploaded a resume, as requested, I still have to fill out my entire work history in 500 individual form fields. Why? The sight of "send resume and cover letter to hr@bigcompany.com" can REALLY make my day.

Know what else sucks? Not really being fired, but only halfway fired. It's awkward for everyone. Xanax helps.

Also sucky - moving and sharing common spaces again. But at least the average time it would take to discover my body should I die in my sleep will decrease. (It is currently 2 days, 3 if I die on a Friday).

Not sucky - my mile time is under 15 minutes (Fine. It is 14:30 minutes but that is STILL UNDER 15 did you not see the above paragraph where I contemplated how long it would take for someone to discover my dead body I am grasping at STRAWS here people)

Meh, life. Que sera, sera and all that crap.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Grammar Friday

regardless adj. 1. having or showing no regard; heedless (often followed by of): regardless of the advice of his elders. 2. without regard to expense, danger, etc. --adv. 3. without concern as to advice, warning, hardship, etc.; anyway: I must make the decision regardless. 4. in spite of; without regard for: We fought regardless of our injuries.

irregardless not a real word

Friday, June 3, 2011

Grammar Friday

I've found lately that I'm in need of a place to vent about incorrect grammar. I thought posting here would be better than becoming "that person" in the comment sections of other websites and blogs. (I do possess some semblance of manners, so I'm well aware that it's rude to correct others). And so, here is the first installment of Grammar Friday.

The plural of mother-in-law (or any other "in-law") is motherS-in-law, not mother-in-laws. In the plural, there is more than one person, not more than one law.